Subject: PAGEMKR: SF-171 Form Author: Allen Hynes Uploaded By: AllenHynes Date: 12/27/1996 File: SF-171.ZIP (56457 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 1249 Needs: An UnZIPing Program, Pagemaker 6.0, Windows 3.1 or W Keywords: Hynes, Job, Resume, Federal, Government, Application, GS, Service, Pagemaker, Win31, Win95 Type: Shareware Version: 12/22/96 This PageMaker 6.0 file turns blank paper into a completed SF-171 (Application for Federal Employment). Using this form, the author has worked his way up from a GS-7 to a GS-15 and is now using it to apply for positions in the Senior Executive Service. The SF-171 is the most effective format to apply for Federal jobs because it succinctly presents all the information which is still required, and because hiring officials are still used to seeing applications in this format. The SF-171 has 4 pages. This file is page 3. In order to get pages 1, 2, and 4, you need to register. For support, contact the author directly at AOL screen name: AllenHynes To use, retrieve: PAGE3CS.PM6 The reviewer of this program does not have Pagemaker 6.0 so was unable to validate the generation of this form. Documentation: README.DOC